For the latest and greatest information on buying and selling second hand furniture, current Gold Coast interior design trends and more, take a look at our blogs. We regularly update this space with news and tips. After more information? Call Scottys and chat with one of our staff.

What are the benefits of up-cycling a product?
Up-cycling refers to the practice of taking old materials and transforming them into useful products. This gives furniture and other products a second lease on life. If you are interested in up-cycling, here are some of the great benefits. Good for the environment Up-cycling extends a product’s lifespan. Rather than simply being discarded and sitting in a landfill somewhere, an item is reused or repurposed. This reduces waste, as well as the possibility of products leeching harmful chemicals into the earth or surrounding bodies of water. Reduce costs By using materials that are usually discarded such as wooden pallets, offcuts
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How can I achieve a French provincial look for my home?
The French provincial look is all about lots of light, distressed furniture and bringing the outside in. If you’re looking to give your home a taste of the French provincial, then here are some helpful tips from the second hand furniture experts at Scotty’s Trading. Kitchen Kitchens designed in the French provincial style are becoming popular the world over, due to their rustic elegance. Install white panelled windows with outward opening mechanisms and use white washed wood or distressed timber for your benchtop. Select white cabinetry with ornate finishes and handles. Decorate your bench top with glass jars, fresh flowers
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Can I achieve a vintage look at a budget?
Vintage furnishing has been trending since the mid 00’s and shows no signs of slowing down. While authentic vintage furniture can set you back thousands of dollars, it is possible to get the vintage look without spending a fortune. Here are some helpful tips from the team at Scotty’s Trading. Re-paint your home A lick of paint is a quick and easy way to give your home more of a vintage feel. If you want to keep things neutral, then choose a taupe, white, cream or champagne colour, or for something a little more adventurous, consider dusty pink, bird’s egg
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